dairy free, gluten free, vegan, vegetarian

These all-natural burgers get their depth of flavour from sweet potato, quinoa, blue corn, chickpeas, black beans and sunflower seeds -  a nutritional powerhouse! Dana likes to forgo the bun and top the burgers with a thin layer of hummus and slices of fresh avocado.

Ingredients: Sweet potato, onions, chickpeas, sunflower seeds, black beans, quinoa, corn chips, garlic, parsley, DSG sicilian lemon balsamic, DSG chipotle olive oil, salt, pepper.

Package contains: 4 burgers **If cooking the burgers on the BBQ, we highly recommend that you use a grill mat so that the burgers don't stick to the grates**

Dana Shortt opened her prepared foods shop in 2004 with the goal of bringing elevated comfort food home. Our kitchen team prepares all of our dishes from scratch and with care, using only the best quality ingredients and working with local farms throughout the seasons.

DSG - Sweet Potato + Quinoa Veggie Burgers

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